Consumer Intelligence

Social Listening SAAS tool

Discover how your consumers behave in the digital ecosystem.

We extract data from:

Atribus Dashboard


Big brands that already trust Atribus


A consumer intelligence tool

Discover the solutions that Atribus offers you based on the main needs of digital marketing departments.

Atribus collects posts from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or LinkedIn among other social media websites. Also, we extract data from Mass Media (online, press, radio, television) including forums, blogs and other websites.

Discover the most influential users in your industry with Atribus. Find the best times to post on social media.
Analyze the behavior of your audience and build a community around your brand.

Create dashboards of your competitors and analyze their strategy.
Always stay one step ahead creating content on upcoming trends.

Customize your reports according to your needs and objectives.
Design, save your templates and optimize your time when creating reports.

Social Competitive Intelligence Software

Understand the user’s point of view regarding your brand, product or service

You are what they say about you online, so understanding your audience is an optimal way to analyze the ROI of your campaigns and focus them toward success.


Segment trends geographically

Every day, customers around the world talk about your products, brands or competitors. Be the first to discover new trends and make smarter decisions!

Big Data Analytics platform

Discover all the Atribus functionalities designed to analyze consumer behavior and focus your campaigns.

Social Listening Tool

We use social listening to analyze social media, blogs, websites and forums

Market research

Identify, anticipate and react effectively to customer trends

Social Media Monitoring

Monitor your profiles or those of your competition and improve your social media strategy

Social Media Reports

Create custom social media reports in quickly and easily way

Image recognition tool

Detects your brand or your logo in images and digital media and discover its impact

Information, insights and data analysis about new and existing competitors


Sector-specific solutions

Solutions Tourism intelligence

Social Listening and Tourism Tool

sports management solutions

SOCIAL LISTENING applied to sport

Solutions of Technopolitics


Consumer Data Intelligence

Artificial intelligence in Social Media applied to the food sector


We show you Atribus with a custom DEMO.

industry recognition

Social listening market leaders

Leader 2022

G2 Crowd

Leader 2022

G2 Crowd